Frequently Asked Questions

What will happen at my first visit to a dentist?

At your initial visit, a member of our team will take all of your personal details, such as your address and date of birth. They will also take a full medical history to make sure that they are fully aware of any illnesses or medication that you may be taking and they can then treat you safely.

The dentist will then carry out a full check-up and chart all of your teeth and previous treatment, they will also assess the condition of your gums and your general oral hygiene and carry out an oral cancer screen. They may also take diagnostic x-rays.
If you need to have any dental treatment, your dentist will discuss this with you. They may give you a treatment plan and tell you what the cost is going to be.

You can make any further appointments as necessary.

My face is swollen/I am in pain, what should I do?

If you have facial swelling or have dental pain, this could indicate that you have an infection. You will need to see a dentist as you may need treatment and/or antibiotics to relieve the symptoms of this infection.

During our regular opening hours please call reception on 0141 956 3191. If you have a genuine dental emergency out with these hours please call NHS 24.

Why are my gums bleeding?

Gums bleed when they are irritated and inflamed which is not considered normal. This is due to plaque (a soft film of bacteria) being left on the teeth which causes inflammation called gingivitis and if not addressed can develop into gum disease. Over time, if not cleaned off through daily brushing and interdental cleaning, the plaque can turn into a hard deposit called tartar or calculus which will require professional scaling by your dentist or hygienist to remove it.

It is important even if your gums bleed they are still brushed to keep the mouth clean otherwise the bacteria build up in your mouth will make gum inflammation worse. After a few days of thorough cleaning, your gums should stop bleeding. If this does not happen you will need to ask the advice of one of our dental team as you may need professional cleaning.

A good oral healthcare regime should be able to prevent your gums from bleeding if done correctly. We would always suggest that you have regular examinations with your dentist at Allander Dental Care. This can help diagnose and treat anything unusual in your mouth so you get the correct care and advice.

You may have to use a softer brush whilst the gums are inflamed until they become healthier. It is also important to clean in between teeth daily using interdental brushes or floss. Debby Lawson, our hygiene therapist at the practice is always on hand to give advice.

Smoking can cover up a gum problem as it restricts the blood flow to the mouth. If you have recently given up smoking this may allow the gums to get a better circulation and therefore start to bleed.

I have sensitive teeth. What can I do?

You can try using a toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth. Rub a little toothpaste into the sensitive area when going to bed as it helps protect the surface.

Try to avoid strongly acidic foods and drinks and wait at least an hour after eating before brushing as this could cause even more sensitivity. Grinding your teeth can also increase sensitivity and a mouth guard maybe necessary.

If the pain continues, speak to us and we may be able to offer further care to reduce your symptoms. A number of things can cause sensitivity and a member of the dental team will be able to identify these and advise the correct care.

What should I do if I knock my tooth out?

If the tooth is clean and if you can, try to put the tooth back in. Hold the tooth by the crown, check the orientation and place it firmly back into the socket. Bite on a clean handkerchief for 15-20 minutes.

If you cannot get the tooth back in, it has more chance of survival if you can keep the tooth in your cheek until you can get to an emergency dentist. If this is not possible, keep the tooth in some milk.

The tooth needs to be replaced ideally within 30 minutes, so seek dental attention immediately.

Why am I in pain after a tooth extraction

Generally any discomfort after an extraction does not last for long and can easily be controlled by the painkillers you would normally take for a headache. If it lasts any longer than 48 hours you should contact us for advice.

Sometimes pain may occur 3-4 days after the extraction when a blood clot has not formed properly in the extraction socket and the bone becomes inflammed. This condition is commonly known as a dry socket. If this happens please contact the practice and one of the dentists will examine you and may have to dress the socket.

How do I book an appointment?

First of all, you must register with our practice. You can do this by calling 0141 956 3191 or emailing [email protected] for further instruction. You are also welcome to visit the surgery and enquire at the front desk.

From there, you’ll just need to give us a call to schedule an appointment in.

Why do I need a visit to the dentist even when there’s nothing wrong?

Prevention is always better than a cure and maintenance is key in keeping up good oral health. Regular checkups help our dentists spot problems early on, so they’re preventable or easy to treat. This saves you time, money and discomfort. We also check for the signs of serious health conditions, such as mouth cancer.

These problems aren’t always painful or uncomfortable or visible to the naked eye. Only a dentist will be able to spot them.

Even if your mouth is completely healthy, a check-up is always a good opportunity to ask any questions and be advised on how you can keep it that way.

How do I take care of my teeth between visits to the dentist?

You should brush your teeth at least two times a day and floss once. Make sure you’re using a reputable toothpaste and a suitable brush. Ask your dentist for advice if you’re not sure.

Avoid sugary foods, such as fizzy drinks and sweets. These can rot your teeth over time. If you do eat food with high sugar content, be sure to brush your teeth afterwards.

Remember to brush your tongue too – many bacteria live on the tongue, and it’ll help keep your breath fresh.

How often should I visit the dentist?

For an adult, it’s recommended that you visit your dentist once or twice a year. If you have any dental problems, you might be asked to visit more regularly.

Why should I have dental X-rays taken?

You should have some X-rays taken soon after you’ve joined a surgery. X-rays give us more insight into your oral health, and it helps us monitor any changes each time you visit us. They’re a thorough and precise way of detecting problems that the naked eye can’t see.

I’m really scared of the dentist, can you help?

At Allander Dental Care, we’re dedicated to making you feel as comfortable as possible. Please let us know if you’re an anxious patient, and we’ll do everything in our power to create a calm and relaxing atmosphere for you.

If needed, we are happy to have a clear conversation with you about what to expect at your visit. Please just contact the surgery and we’ll be happy to help.

How do dentists remove tartar?

If a dentist detects tartar in your mouth, they will use a scaler to remove it. This procedure will be carried out during a scale and polish.

The scaler is an instrument with a small hook on the end that is used to scrape the surface of your tooth. It might feel a little uncomfortable, but it won’t hurt.

What is a filling?

If you suffer from a cavity (a small hole that has worn into the tooth due to decay), a tooth coloured or metal material will be used to fill the tooth after the decay is removed. The procedure doesn’t hurt, as the mouth is numb.

Can a dentist tell if I smoke?

Smoking impacts your oral health in many ways, and so it will likely be obvious to your dentist if you smoke. Smoking causes:

  • Discolouration of teeth
  • Plaque buildup
  • Receding gum line

However, please remember that we are not here to judge your lifestyle. Our team will simply offer you advice on how to better manage your oral health as it stands. If you’re interested, we can offer you support on how to quit and restore your oral hygiene.

My face is swollen / I am in pain, what should I do?

If you have facial swelling or have dental pain, this could indicate that you have an infection. You will need to see a dentist as you may need treatment and/or antibiotics to relieve the symptoms of this infection.

During our regular opening hours please call reception on 0141 956 3191. If you have a genuine dental emergency outside of these hours please call NHS 24 on 111.

What is gum disease?

Gum disease is caused by the buildup of plaque and bacteria. It can cause your gums to become irritated, inflamed and bleeding. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss.

That’s why it’s crucial that you visit your dentist regularly so they can monitor the buildup of plaque deposits in your mouth. There are things your hygienist will be able to do to treat gum disease by removing the plaque.

I have sensitive teeth, what can I do?

You can try using toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth. Rub a little toothpaste into the sensitive area when going to bed as it helps protect the surface.
Try to avoid strongly acidic foods and drinks and wait at least an hour after eating before brushing as this could cause even more sensitivity. Grinding your teeth can also increase sensitivity and a mouth guard may be necessary.

If the pain continues, speak to us and we may be able to offer further care to reduce your symptoms. A number of things can cause sensitivity and a member of the dental team will be able to identify these and advise the correct care.

How do dentists remove teeth?

If your tooth is infected or decaying or having an adverse effect on the rest of your mouth, sometimes we have no option but to remove it. First of all, we’ll use an anaesthetic to numb your mouth. You shouldn’t feel anything during this procedure.

The tooth will be loosened by an elevator, and then your dentist will then use forceps to remove it.

How can I improve the whiteness of my teeth?

The primary method of keeping your teeth white is to maintain good oral hygiene. Daily brushing and flossing will keep your smile looking bright.

We also offer a fantastic whitening treatment service at our practice. We use a light-activated, low concentration peroxide gel, which is fast and convenient to use. Please get in touch to find out more.

Contact Allander Dental Care Today